Talk Story with an Advertiser: ProVision Solar Inc.

ProVision Solar is Hawai‘i Island’s first solar electric construction company.
When solar was a relatively new concept, it was challenging to convince people that the technology was safe, reliable, and would actually save them money in the long term.
Now, the biggest challenge is navigating an ever-changing sea of bureaucracy and policy.
Kim Auberson, the company’s sales and marketing manager says, “We are pleased to say that we have been very successful in this, and have efficient processes in place to get the job done quickly with exceptional quality. We have the best people working for us, which makes all the difference.”
Kim’s primary motivation for going into renewable energy was the Exxon Valdez event. It broke her heart to see the destruction of the Alaskan coastal ecosystem and the consequential impacts on the Alaskan people who depend on that ecosystem to make a living. The oil in that tanker was headed to a power plant in California. She knew there had to be a better, cleaner and safer way to generate electricity.

It took 20 years until states like California and Hawai‘i started offering financial incentives to install solar systems.
ProVision Solar offers what few others can—the principals’ more than 30 years of experience in the solar energy field, licensed professional electrical and structural engineers on staff, a statewide referrals list of satisfied customers, and an unwavering commitment to getting it done right the first time.
“Every time a person replaces their energy production with a PV system, it’s a win-win-win: a win for them because they are saving money, a win for the environment because oil is not being burned to generate that electricity, and a win for contractors like ProVision who get to make a living by doing the right thing,” says Kim.
If you buy your electricity from HELCO, ProVision, a licensed and insured electrical contractor, can design a solar system for you.
ProVision Solar, Inc.
69 Railroad Ave., Suite A-7, Hilo