Hawaii Island 2018 Mar-Apr,  TSWA

Talk Story with an Advertiser: Hawaii Community Acupuncture

talk story logo tswaWhere do you go in Hilo for effective, but inexpensive acupuncture treatments? Hawaii Community Acupuncture.

What is community acupuncture? It is simply acupuncture in a group setting. Each acupuncturist treats multiple patients at the same time, so the cost per session goes down.

Julie Kaneshiro, acupuncturist and founder of Hawaii Community Acupuncture explains, “It’s our mission to make the highest quality acupuncture care affordable for everyone. We’re proud to offer community acupuncture 5 days a week!” Hawaii Community Acupuncture’s fees are on a sliding scale of $20–$50 per treatment. (The first visit is from $35–$50, which includes an initial consultation and assessment). “You choose what to pay—no qualifying is necessary.”

tswa-accupunctureWhy Hawaii Community Acupuncture? The community acupuncture model allows you to get treated more often while staying within your budget. And remember, with acupuncture, the more frequently and consistently you get treated, the better your results will be.

Julie explains how she got introduced to community acupuncture. “I first experienced community acupuncture as an intern studying Chinese Medicine at NUNM, in Portland Oregon. There were times when I would treat more than 40 people in one shift, and more than 100 in a week as a student. I was amazed and proud of the service our school offered. Now I am proud to bring this wonderful service to my home town of Hilo.”

In 2013, Julie created a natural healthcare clinic in the same building that for 35 years had housed her parents’ accounting firm and began offering community acupuncture in Hilo. Julie is delighted to share that, “Now, many of the same people who used to get their taxes done here, come in for acupuncture.”

In addition to Julie, Hawaii Community Acupuncture’s team consists of amazing acupuncturists: Lori Pusateri and Ann Klaft, who offer loving, kind, expert acupuncture care.

“At Hawaii Community Acupuncture we treat a lot of people who have neck or back pain, headaches, stress, allergies, sprains or strains, PMS or hormone imbalance. We also help people with acute conditions like coughs and colds—even chronic conditions like diabetes, COPD, and cancer. Our patients range from keiki (children) to kūpuna (elders) and include residents and visitors to the Big Island.”

Julie says, “Come try us out. Community acupuncture is awesome and can help you in so many wonderful ways.”

Community acupuncture is a worldwide movement. It is so nice to have it right here in Hilo! Walk-ins Welcome!

Hawaii Community Acupuncture
465 Hinano Street, Hilo, HI 96720
Call: 808.854.5063 or book online