Pu’uhonua – A Foundation of Peace
Na Kumu Keala Ching, Nā Wai Iwi Ola, Hawai‘i

Āpuni ka honua, he ola
Ola ke Akua Mana Loa, he kia‘i
Kia‘i ka ‘ike kapu, he Akua
Akua mālama Ali‘i
Ali‘i mālama Kanaka
Kanaka mālama ‘āina
‘Āina hānai Kanaka
Kanaka hānai Ali‘i
Ali‘i hānai Akua
Hō‘ola ka pu‘u mōhala Akua
He hale Akua ke kino i mōhalu ‘ia ana
Ke one hānau ke ola
Ho‘i e, ho‘i lā, he ‘ūlāleo e
Na ke Kuhikuhi pu‘uone nō
He pu‘uhonua ia, he kino kanaka ia
Kahi o nā Ali‘i i pule akua ai
Kahi o nā Kanaka i mālama aku ai
Kahi o nā ‘āina i pili aku ai
He lei maile ko ka piko o ka pu‘uhonua
Life is around the world
Protected by the living Higher Spirit
Guider of the sacred knowledge is this spirit
Higher Spirit cared for by the Chief
Chief is cared for by the people
People are cared for by the land
Land nourishes the people
People nourish the Chief
The Chief nourishes the Higher Spirit
The hill of unfolding Spirit lives on
The body is the house of the Higher Spirit that lives
Life is your birthplace
To leave and return is the spirit of the Higher Self
The oracle is the link
A place of peace, a place of foundation
A Chiefs place of prayer
A peoples place to care
A land place to gather
Life’s center of peace is strung like a maile
Pu’uhonua – a foundation of spiritual connection relating to personal protocol of honor. A Pu‘uhonua was created so that the people could honor the spiritual relationship of the season. The Chief is honored by his people. His people honor the land as nourishment to the people, the people to the Chief, and Chief to the Spirit. As ke Akua, the spiritual Healer, selects our path and destiny, the oracle, kuhikuhi Pu‘uone, is instructed to select the location of the Pu‘uhonua. In relationship, the Pu‘uhonua and the body together are the foundation of our spiritual healing, if we recognize such relationship. It also gives us a place to seek peace; however, peace is only honored once you find it within. ❖
Kumu Keala Ching is a Kumu Hula, cultural practitioner, writer/composer and teacher of ‘Ōlelo Hawai‘i, oli, and Hula. He is the founder of Nā Wai Iwi Ola, an educational foundation to perpetuate the Hawaiian culture and practices through Hula protocol, the use and study of the Hawaiian language, and Hawaiian culture and traditions. Visit nawaiiwiola.org.