Ka Wehena: He Nani Kou Aloha
Aia ke aloha i ka honua Honua o luna, Honua o lalo He nani kou aloha e ka Honua ēKū kilakila ka ho‘oilina i ka mauna Mauna i mua, Mauna i hope He nani kou aloha e ka Mauna ē Hū a‘ela ka homelele i ke kahawai Kapa maila ka maluhia i ka nāhele Aia ke aloha i ka honua |
Love abundantly upon the earth Higher earth, Lower earth Your love is beautiful, EarthA legacy so majestic upon the mountain Mountain before, Mountain after Your love is beautiful, Mountain Purity become upon the stream Peace spreads upon the forest Love abundantly upon the earth Song of your love |
He nani kō nā mea like ‘ole, aia ka honua e pili i ke kino. ‘Ike ho‘i i ka lani, he nani ka honua o luna ā ‘ike ho‘i i ka honua, he nani ka honua o lalo. He mauna kō ka ho‘oilina o ka honua, aia ka mauna nui ā aia ka mauna li‘i. Hū a‘ela ka pono i uka ā kahe ke ola i kai, i laila ka pono o ke kahawai. Kapa maila ka maluhia o ka nāhele, ho‘omaka kou maluhia ā lama ka maluhia o ka nāhele. Eia ka nani o ka honua, he aloha pau‘ole!
Beauty is within everything, the Earth relates to the body. Observe the heaven, beauty is the earth above, admire the earth, beauty is the earth below. Your legacy is the mountain of this earth and stories are large and small within these mountains. Righteousness springs from the highest peak as it flows within the rivers to the lowest peak and there you will find the righteousness from its source. Peace blankets the forest; therefore, prepare before and after your walk within a peaceful place, the forest. Here is the beauty of the earth for love is unconditional!
Inspired by my journey from Sacramento, California through Mount Shasta to Ashland, Oregon on July 20, 2015. Observing the beauty and its stories as it relates to the native people of the land, much like my love for Mauna Kea. Mauna Kea has a legacy so majestic, a peace so abundant and capable of admiring the beauty of heaven and earth from its source. Your love is beautiful!
Contact writer Kumu Keala Ching