Hawaii Island 2015 Nov–Dec,  Ka Puana

The Wisdom Project: A Call for Spiritual Conversation

TheWisdomProject-william-helbingThe Wisdom Project is the product of discussions held on a continuing basis since 2006 about topics at the heart of the human condition. Participants in the discussions came from all walks of life.

Topics include meaning, the self, the ego, consciousness, feelings, rationality, being open, beliefs, enlightenment, spirituality.

While the book is designed to generate creative thinking, more importantly its purpose is to move the reader to engage in meaningful, ongoing conversations about these issues central to our humanity. Although many of the themes discussed in the book appear to be lofty, the undercurrent of the book is that enlightenment need not be located in lofty realms accessible by only a few, enlightenment can be found in the ordinary aspects of what are wrongly considered to be ordinary lives.

Excerpt from The Wisdom Project

Although from time to time we have intense feelings in isolation, in solitude, a momentary epiphany comes to mind, most of our feelings are involved with our connections with others. Even though you can feel deeply about animals, the earth, the cosmos, whatever you regard as belonging to you or you belong to, other people generally elicit the strongest feelings. And yet, ironically and often tragically, most of us cannot adequately express our feelings toward those closest to us, our friends, acquaintances and, yes, even loved ones. Consequently, our feelings often get misdirected.

We feel deeply about starving children in Africa, we weep in the presence of a charismatic leader, we become furious when a piece of legislation over which we have no control gets enacted. Guilt plays a prominent role in misdirected emotion. We donate to charities, do volunteer work, march with a sign proclaiming our solidarity with a cause. Does misdirected emotion reflect the inability to confront our own emotional failures?

Turgid terrain, all those past ego dramas that create our reactive patterns, all those expectations and anticipations. Weighty, and the way to unload the weight may be to get off the scale, the need to get something out of our interactions. Ask yourself, how much do anticipation and expectation weigh on you? Let go of them and find out.

Spiritual Practice #4: Relax
Relax your facial muscles, your jaw, your eyes.
Relax your mind.

Our interactions, no matter how seemingly trivial, are significant ceremonies and rituals. A handshake can transform two into one. Unfortunately, due to our self preoccupation we mostly go through the motions with no feeling, no awareness, failing to experience the meaningfulness of the ritual. When you are able to see that the great mystery is not God, not the universe, not any of the big ideas you might invoke, the mystery is your ordinary life, in all the moments you live it, a door opens. Through that open door is the awareness that produces creative civility. Feel without creating the drama, dance the dance. All you have to lose is the baggage you don’t need because you aren’t going anywhere. You are already there.

When you are walking down the street in your city or town, or in the mall, a store, or office, look at the people around you. How many do you see smiling? Probably not many, if any. Most of the time we walk around in our solitary confinements, stewing in our juices, or seriously rigid. Smile, it’s a gift to the world, including yours. No effort required, a smile clears the air, thaws the ice, allows people to actually see each other. There is no space between smiles, with smiles the space collapses, disappears. Two become one.

Two ways to feel the rain:

  1. I’m getting soaked, I wish it would stop, I have an appointment to get to and I’ll be a mess. The personal drama of annoyance.
  2. Dance with it. Follow the rain, it will show you the way.

Oftentimes it’s not how we feel or what we feel that is of concern, it’s what we fail to feel. Here’s one feeling you avoid that gets to the heart of the human condition. There is an uneasiness, an insecurity, that all your beliefs, opinions, theories, and all of your efforts to control are inadequate. In the end, they will fail to do what you expect them to do. Ultimately, your ego cannot live up to all of its self promotional hype. Behind your entrenched sense of self lies emptiness.

Follow this recognition; feel that uneasiness, it leads to liberation. Emptiness is the source of creation, where new possibilities present themselves.

The Wisdom Project is available from the author, local bookstores, and the on-island publisher.

About William
William Helbing lives in Pa‘auilo, Hawai‘i and continues to investigate the reasons for his being anywhere. Despite having a philosophical background he has managed to survive in a world where everyone appears to know more than he does. His interests range from waking up and going to sleep and all that happens between.

Contact author William Helbing