Ka Puana–The Refrain: How To Be Happy In One Reading
By Michael J. Vielman
Emotions, we all have a little or a lot, but being able to feel them is first, before being able to control them.
Emotions are like the colors of your soul. That’s why people say when you’re sad, you’re blue! When you’re happy, you are a bright, radiant, attractive person. People might even say that you’re glowing.
In order for you to help maintain your happiness, realize whether you have a little or a lot. Then you must always use them for self-realization, truth, and health.
Your emotions should be helping you grow forward in your life, not stifling you by making you hate life.
If you want to be happy, you must be willing to feel and deal with your emotions to better understand them.
Also, if you are the type of person who does not do what is right for you, then you’ll have a hard time trying to be happy. Even if it’s telling someone you can no longer be their friend, because it’s best to be honest.
For example, being involved in a romance that you know you should not be in. Your lover lies to you. You go emotionally crazy. You blame your madness on them. Then you do something that is wrong for you, and you then suffer the consequences. When actually, the only person betrayed is yourself. Their lying shouldn’t steal your happiness.
Maybe your emotions are teaching you not to be in a lying relationship. Use your emotions to love yourself, to forgive yourself or someone else. Use them to feel okay about yourself, to smile.
We live today and die tomorrow. It is now that we live our lives. It is now that we should use our emotions to choose well for ourselves. The only constant is change! So, be well with the choice of change.
Two years ago, you were far from reading this book, and two years from now, you’ll be somewhere else, I’m certain. If you are sad, remember, it too will pass. We have the capacity to get over it.
In order to be happy, we had to be another emotion first. Even right now when it’s hard, we choose to be happy emotionally. Learn to love yourself. No one can love you better than yourself. Not your parents. Not your lovers, husbands, and wives. Not your friends. Not your children. Only you! In doing so, you’ll be good to yourself and stop doing what is wrong for you. You’ll do what is right for yourself.
Learn to control your emotions so they don’t control you. Use your emotions to keep you strong and healthy. We all can feel lonely, be angry, worry. These are all good, normal feelings. What can be wrong is that when anyone, or a combination of feelings, become so overwhelming, we begin to think and be less of ourselves. In doing so, we have just changed our belief system for ourselves.

Then we attract just what we didn’t want. Do you remember the law of attraction? Well, just change your mind.
If you want to be happy, you must be willing to feel good or get over the emotions that seem to confuse and hurt you. Know that it is okay to feel what you feel.
Remember, you control how much or how long it affects you. Be good to yourself, don’t let your emotions make you do something that is bad for yourself and then blame it on someone else. Learn from them. You have to learn when you should say yes and when you should say no.
Learn to say what you mean and mean what you say.
Don’t be upset! Because when you get emotionally upset, you get angry. When you become angry, you become mad! When you’re mad, you’re crazy.
So if you are now crazy, how could you ever expect anything good to happen to you, like happiness! The only person that you compromise is yourself.
The people who have the good fortune of knowing you and share their lives with you are going to think whatever they want of you. It will be constantly changing and you’ll never be able to live up to everyone’s expectations everywhere, all the time, always. Nor should you have to!
Emotions are like colors on a painting. You have a beautiful picture, your life, your happiness.
It is what it is, it’s yours and personal. Such as your life, the picture of happiness can only be enhanced or depreciated by the colors or emotions that you happen to be holding. Therefore, you either paint your own happiness with beautiful seascapes, majestic mountains and fluffy white clouds, with spectacular vibrant colors so that everyone may see how beautiful you really are.
Or do you paint your happiness like a gloomy Gus? Is your portrait and life as gray as your disposition?
Most of us don’t even realize that our canvas of life is where we portray our happiness, and like inexperienced artist or children, we paint anywhere, everywhere, all over, at the wrong time, wrong place, without any thought.
It totally affects our happiness by letting our colors or emotions run wild. So if you don’t control your emotional palette, your picture or your happiness will always be obscured or unrecognizable.
Remember, whatever feelings that you are feeling, it’s okay!
God loves you, so do I and I haven’t even met you yet. Let your emotions flow, so that you may know, How to Be Happy. ❖
Excerpt used with permission.
How to Be Happy can be found at Kona Stories.
Contact Michael Vielman: MichaelJVielman.com