Ka Puana: A Dream of Old Hawai‘i

I had a dream, a dream of old Hawai‘i. And in that dream, a woman stood beside me, and in her arms were stories that were pure as gold, but stories that looked sadly old, stories that had not been told, in years, to the children of Hawai‘i.
I asked her name, I asked her how she knew me? She touched my hand, I felt her love flow through me, I bowed in grace, as I looked upon Aloha’s face, through a face that looked so sad and old, because of stories no longer told, to the children of Hawai‘i.
Then Aloha spoke, saying:
“You called to me, in your nights of wonder, in your nights of peace. I come to all souls if they’ll only ask; I can’t live in the PAST. You called to me, you asked and wondered what I am, I wait within the heart of man, in the heart of my Hawai‘i.”

Then in my dream, the children gathered around Her, with eyes aglow, they looked so proud that they had found Her. Then with one voice, they asked Her if She’d guide their lives, as I watched Her place a fiery spark, in every heart, it was the Spirit of Aloha.
And in my dream, my dream of old Hawai‘i, I saw Aloha change. Her youthful spirit filled the air as flowers adorned Her flowing hair, and all Hawai‘i seemed so aware of sweet Aloha standing there.
Then in my dream, my dream of old Hawai‘i, Aloha took me by the hand, I saw Hawai‘i through Her eyes, I saw its strength, its passion and its pride, as parents sat, on tapa mats, telling stories that were pure as gold, stories that were always told, in days of old, to the children of Hawai‘i.
And in my dream, Aloha asked me if I’d tell her people of this dream, and just how lonely She had been, without them. And how She longs for the day, when all Hawaiians turn Her way, to bring Her from the past, to look within their hearts and find that fiery spark, Aloha, in their hearts.
You called to me, in your nights of wonder, in your nights of peace. I come to all souls, if you’ll only ask, I can’t live in the PAST! Call to me, ask and wonder what I am, I wait within the heart of man, in the heart of my Hawai‘i. ❖
Words and music © Robert James.
Robert James is a poet, professional photographer and writer. His book, What is This Thing Called Aloha, published by Island Heritage, is available throughout the Hawaiian Islands in more than 2,100 outlets including Walmart, K Mart, Borders books and on Amazon.com.
About “A Dream of Old Hawaii,” James said, “It’s actually a song or production number if you will. I wrote the words and the melody followed at the same time. I’ve worked with a few musicians on the dream that it becomes part of a CD. The truth is there are so many great artists and musicians that I can envision performing the song that I’ve just decided to leave it all in the hands of Aloha.”
Robert James can be reached at Paradisephoto@aol.com; 808.298.4332.