Featured Artists: Diane Tunnell & David Gallegos
Cover Artist: Diane Tunnell

Diane Tunnell was born in Billings, Montana. She grew up in Bartlesville, Oklahoma and Littleton, Colorado. Her dream at age five was to become an artist. She studied art at Colorado State University, received a BA in art and anthropology at the University of Colorado, and earned an Associate’s degree in advertising design at the Art Institute of Colorado. She traveled to Mexico, Europe, and India learning more about art. Diane pursued graphics, oils, and sculpture, and even worked in a bronze foundry.
When Diane moved to Hawai‘i Island and began teaching elementary school, her art remained in the background. Her home near Donkey Mill Art Center and the artistic Hōlualoa Village prompted her to take a watercolor class from renowned Hiroke Mironoue. At that point she became completely enthralled by watercolor! Excellent books such as the Splash book series, watercolor workshops from prominent artists, and joining the Hawaii Watercolor Society (HWS) in 2010 raised the bar of her pursuit.
A meditation practice helped Diane’s concentration and creativity enormously. She received great blessings to pursue her art full time.
Many people helped to support Diane’s dream, including artist Kathy Long, who graciously mentored her. She took workshops from Carol Carter, Kathleen Alexander, and more recently from Paul Jackson, who taught about light and luminosity, glazing, and other helpful techniques of the medium. (Paul plans to be on the island teaching watercolor portraits in October at Akamai Art Supply in Kona.)
After many years of hard work, entering juried shows, winning awards including Best of Show, Diane gratefully received her HWS Signature Membership in 2019, a great honor from the society. She still takes many photos for inspiration, attends cultural events, and walks and hikes amidst the beauty of the island. She also paints plein air with the Kona group Painting Out There on Fridays as often as she can.
The endearing children in the cover painting, Discovery, were cousins observing nature, whose parents are friends of Diane. One of the parents recommended adding the Jackson chameleon, and when Diane walked around, voila, there was a chameleon in the yard!
The ocean is her favorite subject to paint, as well as florals, native flora and fauna, animals, people, and other Hawaiian scenes on the island. Lively color, value, design and composition command attention in her paintings.
Diane considers her paintings as offerings to the Divine, like offering a flower on an altar. She hopes they bring joy, reflection, and enrichment to collectors’ and viewers’ lives.
Her original watercolor paintings can be found at the Glyph Art Gallery in Hōlualoa, Harbor Gallery in Kawaihae, and Cliff Johns Gallery in Kealakekua. They are displayed in businesses and residences locally and around the world.
For more information: dianetunnell.com
Table Of Contents Artist: David Gallegos
David Gallegos is a painter, printmaker, draughtsman, and photographer with an endless passion for experimentation and a belief in looking out into the world to get hope and positivity with respect. He believes that if you follow the Light, you will follow the Spirit. A collector commissioned him to paint Champagne Ponds in 2014 (featured on our table of content pages). While sketching, he captured keiki daring each other to be the first one in the pond, a cherished moment before Pele reclaimed Kapoho in 2018. David’s work is in the collection of the California Palace of the Legion of Honor and Saint Mary’s College, among others.
For more information: kawikaspiritartstudio.com