Featured Cover Artist: MField
Field (Mike Field) is the epitome of living the dream. The dream of balancing work, family and play to where they all blend together and afford a life with limited aggravation and continued delight.
Raised in Hawai‘i, a celebrated waterman, family man, gifted artist (not necessarily in that order on any given day), Mike Field has emerged as one of the most sought after artists in Hawai‘i and abroad. His uncanny ability to capture the beauty of the islands while incorporating this into the daily lives of those who reside here generates a timeless representation of Old Hawai‘i with an updated and sophisticated arrangement.
His inspiration for his creativity permeates from the Polynesian lifestyle, its ocean and the floral colors that cover the islands. In his fine prints, people share the spotlight along with the island landscape, vegetation, and ocean body (water, sand, coral, and sea life).
Having respect and experience in the ocean waters, Mike’s art has a very unique approach. While many artists capture the vantage point of looking outward from the land to the sea, many of Mike’s pieces change this perspective and put the observer into the moment. Almost like you are part of the canvas. Feeling what it’s like to be there.
Mike lives atop Hualālai, with his wife Terry, son Luke and daughter Paloma.
Contact artist MField: MField.com