Life in Business: One Gallery
One Gallery is the merger of three artists into one business partnership. Amy Markham and Deborah Beaver started the gallery in January of 2011. Arthur Johnsen became a partner in March of 2012, relocating his entire gallery to merge with One Gallery.
The newly-expanded gallery is located on the corner of Mamo and Kīlauea in downtown Hilo, just one block up from the Hilo Farmers Market.
“The entire neighborhood is revitalizing, new businesses have opened, and interesting events are planned on a regular basis,” says Amy. “It’s been a new experience to run a gallery and we are still learning. It’s fulfilling and fun. We are very thankful for all the people who support the arts in these tough times.”
The gallery clientele has been split between local people and visitors. “We offer shipping for travelers and a flexible payment program for the budget-savvy local art collector,” Amy said. “We market fine art at almost wholesale pricing. The artist receives most of the proceeds; the gallery only receives a small amount for basic expenses. With more than 50 artists represented, a vast collection of art is available. With the addition of premier Hawai’i artist Arthur Johnsen and his Artist Hui, One Gallery boasts an extremely wide range of work and pricing.”
Gallery artist/owners include:
Arthur Johnsen—a very successful and widely collected life-long artist. A Hawai‘i native, he has works commissioned by Mauna Lani, Disney Aulani and Princeville St. Regis resorts. His award-winning Pele painting hangs at the Visitor Center at Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park. He operated his own gallery on Waianuenue Avenue for seven years.
Amy Markham—a maker of art since early childhood. She often points out that one of her favorite media is still crayons, although now she usually works with oil paints. She has lived in Hawai’i most of her life.
Deborah Beaver began painting while in her 20s, but had never tried to be a professional artist. It was only after raising a family and moving to Hawai‘i in 2009 that she decided to do what she loves on a full time basis.
On any given day, you can often find one or more artists set up around the gallery working on their latest pieces.
Location: 128 Kilauea Ave, Hilo
Phone: 808.961.2787
Email: onegalleryhilo@gmail.com
Website: one-gallery.artistwebsites.com