Building Business with Soul: Mindfulness in Business

By Arliss Dudley-Cash, MA, MBA
In business culture, it is standard practice to believe that to be successful in business, you must be willing to press past your physical, mental, and emotional limits. In that model, there doesn’t appear to be any space for wellbeing or humanness. I learned this the hard way by putting my health on the line to be an over-achiever. Not only do most business owners expect this of themselves, they also expect it of those they work with. It’s time for a change to a more sustainable model, for the success of the business, and for the wellbeing of all those involved.
Mindfulness is the act of being in the present moment through awareness and nonjudgmental acceptance. According to research done by Shian-Ling Keng and colleagues, mindfulness increased subjective wellbeing, reduced psychological symptoms and emotional reactivity, and improved behavioral regulation. Ask yourself, “How important is it that I am able to make calm, rational decisions in my business?” If you said, “Highly important,” then mindfulness is for you.
Mindfulness is not a new practice. In fact, it has been practiced for millennia. In the western world, Dr. Jon Kabat-Zinn spearheaded the idea of Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction in his research done in the 1970s. According to Dr. Kabat-Zinn, “Mindfulness is awareness that arises through paying attention, on purpose, in the present moment, non-judgmentally.” Note the focus on purposely, open mindedly, being present.
Dr. Kabat-Zinn also devised the Seven Pillars of Mindfulness:
- Non-judging—The world of business is not only good or bad. When automatic judging happens, this can impact the business choices negatively. Practicing awareness of judgments is a great way to start practicing non-judging.
- Patience—There is pressure to rush, rush, rush in business. Although moving quickly can be advantageous, it can also cause business owners to not see all options or to act without information. Being present is a way to begin the practice of patience.
- Beginner’s Mind—As individuals become more established in business it can be easy to feel they know everything, and they can lose the desire to be a lifelong learner. Businesses evolve and so learning will always be a part of business. Open your mind to seeing your business anew.
- Trust—Trust within yourself. Have you established a trusting relationship with yourself? What is the mission and vision of your business? What are your core values? Do you practice business according to those core values? Answering these questions can set you on the path of deepening the trust within yourself.
- Non-Striving—Who you are in your business is enough. Striving to be “different” or “better” can get you off track from achieving your goals. Embrace who you are. This will remove the distractions and set you back on the path to focus on what really matters.
- Acceptance—When business owners see the reality of the situation, instead of wishing things were different, they are better served to make more informed positive decisions. Acceptance is not about being content with things you do not like or want. It is being willing to see the reality that makes change possible.
- Letting Go—Allow the mind to relax. This will make it easier to focus on the steps to success. “Worry” is about looking at the past or the future. “Mindfulness” is about being in the present.
How does practicing mindfulness positively impact us in our business? It
- diffuses the feeling of pressure.
- helps us to make sound, clear-minded decisions.
- allows us to navigate difficult emotions and circumstances.
- keeps us in reality and not wishing things were different.
- encourages greater positivity.
- gives permission for us to be gentle with ourselves and others.
To create a lasting shift, start small. Meditating for only a couple of moments daily decreases the action of the sympathetic nervous system (which activates our fight-or-flight response) and offers a scope of medical advantages including: lower blood pressure, lower heart rate, slower breathing, less nervousness, lower blood cortisol (stress hormone), increased sensations of prosperity, and deeper relaxation (Zinn, et al.).
Here are some other ways to practice mindfulness:
- Practice Gratitude
- Be a Single-Tasker
- Set an Intention
- Use Mindful Reminders
- Practice Lifelong Learning
- Accept Yourself
- Focus on Mindful Breathing
Mindfulness in business supports business success and those in business to stay healthy in mind, body, and soul. ❖
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