Featured Artists: Kathleen T. Carr and Diane Tunnell
Cover Artist: Kathleen T. Carr
Kathleen T. Carr is a professional and fine art photographer, teacher, author, and a former Polaroid Creative Uses Consultant. She received a BFA (cum laude) in Photography from Ohio University in 1970, and then studied extensively with Minor White and worked for Aperture, a renowned photography quarterly.

Her award-winning work has been exhibited internationally, purchased for private collections, and has appeared in numerous books and periodicals. Her four books are Dolphins: Kindred Spirits (2015); Polaroid Manipulations (Amphoto Books 2002), Polaroid Transfers (Amphoto Books 1997); and To Honor the Earth (HarperSanFrancisco, 1991). Selected periodicals include Outdoor Photographer (featured artist), National Geographic Traveler, Islands, Decor, (featured artist), Photo Vision, (featured artist), Esquire, Art of Northern California, and American Art Collector.
Kathleen was a staff photographer at the Findhorn Foundation, Scotland, and Esalen Institute, Big Sur, CA during the 70s and 80s. At Findhorn she was the photographer and photo editor for the books The Findhorn Garden, Faces of Findhorn (Harper & Row, 1975, 1980) and The Findhorn Family Cookbook (Shambala, 1981). Kathleen received a National Endowment for the Arts fellowship in 1991.
Kathleen has resided in the Captain Cook area of Hawaii since 2006. She offers a 7-day Women’s Photography Retreat each November (upcoming retreat October 28–November 4), limited to 6 women. Kathleen is a founding member and president of SOKO (South Kona Artists Collective), who host an Artists Open Studio Tour during the last weekend in February each year.
Her current passions are infrared photography and landscapes, filming and photographing dolphins, whales and other life underwater, and the digital darkroom. In 2014, she released a 28-minute DVD, Whale Journey: Connecting with the Humpback Whales, filmed in Tonga.
Upon hearing of the sailing voyage of the Hōkūle‘a, Kathleen went to see the voyaging canoe in Ho‘okena as part of the canoe’s island tour in 2014. As she witnessed the people gathered to see the arrival of Hōkūle‘a, Kathleen noticed a young woman who had made ti leaf lei for the crew. With permission from the young woman, Kathleen found the shot which represented the essence of the moment. Kathleen explains her process, “I added filters in Photoshop to create a timeless quality. I wanted it to look like it could have been at any time vs. current time.” The final creation was “Hōkūle‘a Lei Greeting”, the front cover art for this issue of Ke Ola Magazine. This fine art piece was purchased by the Hawai‘i State Foundation for Culture and the Arts who used it as the announcement for the 2016 “Voyaging” exhibit at the Honolulu Museum of Art.
Artist’s Statement
My journey in photography reflects my journey in life. I seek to experience the radiance in all life and have my images express that radiance tangibly enough so that others may see it, too. Caring deeply about nature, especially when I see such environmental destruction in the world, I want my photography to inspire people to honor the earth and all who live upon it.
For more information about Kathleen T. Carr’s work, visit: kathleentcarr.com.
Table Of Contents Artist: Diane Tunnell
Hawai‘i watercolor artist Diane Tunnell, who lives and works in Hōlualoa, offers original paintings and giclee reproductions of her work. Her subjects include tropical flora and fauna, native species, landscapes, figures, and scenes depicting Hawaiian culture.
Diane’s work is exhibited in juried exhibitions and shows on O‘ahu and Hawai‘i Island, and is available to the public through fine art galleries and her website.
A proud member of the Hawai‘i Watercolor Society, Diane recently won their Best in Show for her watercolor, “Love Entwined.”
Diane’s painting, Sunset, “Eva Parker Woods Cottage,” is featured on our Table of Contents page.
For more information about Diane Tunnell’s work, visit: dianetunnell.com.